Foot Health Practitioner in Scunthorpe

Why visit a Foot Health Practitioner?

Most people don’t realise how much stress and pressure their feet are getting day to day until it’s too late. This can be a huge problem because if left untreated, a foot problem can cause an adverse effect, putting extra stress and strain on other parts of your body such as your knees, hips and even your back!

So, not only will receiving treatment make your feet feel better, but the effects may prevent unnecessary pain and discomfort in the future.

What To Expect From Ben

Ben, a local Foot Health Practitioner and owner of ‘Walking On Air’ in Scunthorpe, provides a professional service whilst maintaining a relaxed, comforting experience.

Receive your treatment in his clinic or if you live in Scunthorpe or even surrounding villages, you can arrange for Ben to make a home visit and take care of you in the comfort of your own home!

If you need foot lotions, creams or even hand made individual orthotics thenBen is happy to sell the products you need, saving you the trip to the shops and the possibility of paying too much!

Chiropodist vs Health Practitioner

The difference between a Chiropodist and a Foot Health Practitioner (FHP) A Chiropodist has a university degree and can perform more in-depth procedures and can perform operations under local anaesthetic.

A Foot Health Practitioner on the other hand does not have a university degree, however they are qualified to a high level, having completed 12 theory modules and numerous practical examinations under qualified NCFE approved tutors to obtain a Level 4 Diploma in Foot Health Care.

The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) accredit the Alliance Register who ensure standards are kept to a high level by FHP’s.

Foot Health Practitioners are perfectly capable to treat the majority of common ailments just as a Chiropodist can. If further treatments are required beyond a Foot Health Practitioners’ remit, a referral to a Chiropodist or GP would and should be carried out.

Why Choose a Chiropodist in Scunthorpe?

There are a number of Chiropodists in Scunthorpe, but why spend more on a service unless absolutely necessary?

Unless you require full toenail removal or a similar surgery, then it would be more suited to your needs to seek out a Foot Health Practitioner instead. You can receive all the treatment you need without having to seek out the most expensive help.

If you have been looking for professional, warm and high quality care, please consider ‘Walking On Air’ Foot Health Practitioner.